Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Fight or Flight

Why blog? It's cheaper than paying someone to tell me how nuts I am. Besides, my kids do it all the time. Kidding. Actually that's my wife's job.

I'm about a day and a half away from chemo round two and scared sh--less. Chemo round one was worse than anything I experienced in 2005 when I was initially diagnosed or when I was re-diagnosed in the fall of 2006. The good side... I lost a little weight. Seriously, I needed to. Bad side... just about everything else. I have no idea what keeps me going.

It is said that everyone has a talent for something be it music, art, athletics, whatever. I missed those lines and apparently stood in the line that was for "talent to take a beating and still be stupid enough to continue fighting."

I was in PA over the weekend with my wife and kids.  My oldest daughter was accepted to Penn State and we went to visit the campus.  I liked it so much down that way that I wanted to stay and not come back for chemo round #2... but I did anyway.  Okay, the money was running low too but so what.  Apparently my "fight" response is stronger than my "flight" response.

I've been shedding hair worse than a squirrel with mange the last three days so I went and had the rest of my toupee removed.  I'm not down to bare skin ala Kevin Youkilis but it's close.  Thank God it's spring and the weather is getting a bit warmer.  I walked out of my hairdresser's place and felt the cold wash over my head like I had just dived into a pool.  Weird.

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