Sunday, April 18, 2010

"The Bard"? Absolutely Not! But Maybe Not Too Bad at Haiku...

OK... so I've already removed the suspense that I can actually write.  My forte was always math.  Just ask my favorite sister Tina (my ony sister so she has to be my favorite by default... LOL) who go the creative writing brains... another line that I did not get into in time to get any.

I do remember back in my elemntary school days back at Chemung Hill School (the best school I ever went to or enjoyed the most) I could write a mean Haiku.  I've seen versions on the net in 5-7-5 syllable form and 5-5-7 sylable form.  I was taught the 5-7-5 version so that's what I'm sticking to

One came to me the other day before I was heading into Beth Israel for the start of chemo round #2.  Thought I'd share.  Enjoy, critique, laugh, scratch head, have fun...

spirit and resolve
to get me through the battle
this will not beat me

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