Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Round #3 Begins & Other Ramblings

I had long ago come to the conclusion that the people who work at BIDMC in the Hematology/Oncology area were special people.  It is their caring and compassion that make going through this sh-- bearable.  I can't leave out all of the thoughts, prayers, love, and best wishes from my many family and friends.  Most times I feel like Lou Gherig did when he proclaimed "Today I feel like the luckiest man on the face of the earth."

The last two rounds showed some positive progress.  There is hope that the round I started yesterday will as well.  For how long the positive results will continue my lifespan only God knows but no matter the eventual outcome I am and continue to be a blessed man.

My wife Cheryl is amazing.  She was when I met her in July of 1984 and continues to be.  My daughters Kendell and Carson are growing and will continue to grow to become amazing women thanks mostly to my wife.  This disease has put them through hell and back with me and they have stuck by me every bit of the way.  I am a lucky man to have the wife and kids I have.

Then there is the rest of my family.  My mom, dad, sister, all of my aunts, uncles, and cousins, including all of my little second cousins (many of whom are not so little anymore).  Everyone has had a kind thought, a prayer, or some words of encouragement that they sent my way... and I am thankful for all of them.  And I can't leave out the many friends, both old and new who have offered their thoughts, prayers, and support.  It means a lot and I am thankful for each and every one.

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